It's Personal
At some point in our lives, we realize we are unique beings. Even though we share a common collective consciousness and planet, each of us carries a fingerprint that not one other human being has. This imprint of individuality allows us to bring a special something to the world, something no one else can. Maybe it’s an ear for music or a sense of humor. Or maybe it’s an ability to shoot a basketball or write prose.
Whatever your unique gifts are, we believe you were created to share them with the world!
That’s why when talking about health, the one-size-fits-all approach just doesn’t work. Your genetic code predisposes you to digesting foods in a way that’s unique to you. Your genetic code gives you a map in determining why you may need to eat more fruit than your best friend. Your genetic code even imprints mental and emotional predilection. And this realization isn’t an excuse to blame your genetic code for the problems you may be facing; instead, it is an opportunity to be empowered.
I remember beginning the journey of unlocking my genetic code and it felt exciting! But it was also very confusing because I wasn’t sure how to interpret the information. Oh great! I’ve got a COMT SNP. So now what?
Gut Genie helped take that complex information and lay it all out in clear terms. What should I personally be eating? How should I exercise? And even what supplements do I need? All unique to me.
So if you’re looking for a way to access your unique genetic imprint and how it impacts your diet, exercise and life, look no further.
At Gut Genie, we take your health personally.
Holly & Sally